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Critical Thinking

The wTeamUp critically reflects and evaluates collaborative processes developed in an attitude of action-research that allows for a continuous improvement of techniques/methodologies structured and applied through the learned lessons in operationalization and further deeply analyzed recurring to the critical thinking framework.

This process of critical reflection allows for the theorization of practice and practice improvement from the theorization, constituting an essential pillar of the collaborative processes since it contributes to extract lessons of success, build collective learnings and support action-research. The critical reflection is, due to this reason, an essential element in a self-sustained circular process.

Conceptually framed in the critical thinking, critical reflection aims to understand complex reality making sense out of observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, to build understanding and action. Critical thought is key to decide what to do, what to believe, and implies the immersion of the individual in reflexive and independent thinking to understand the logic connection among ideas.


“Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patient to doubt, fondness to mediate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order, and hatred for every kind of imposture” – Francis Bacon (1605)




O National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking ( define o pensamento crítico como um processo intelectualmente disciplinado de ativamente e habilmente conceptualizar, aplicar, analisar, sintetizar, e/ou avaliar informação recolhida, ou gerada, através da observação, experiência, reflexão, raciocínio, ou comunicação, como um guia para a compreensão e ação.

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