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Project Objectives

The main goal of this project is the development of content and awareness actions for the Conservation of Nature for the youth and school communities, assuring simultaneously the multi-gerational involvement, actively contributing for the increase of literacy on local biodiversity, educating for the local biodiversity and traditions, and raising awareness for sustainable behaviours on the costal and marine environments. In this way, it targets to raise awareness for the conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems, encapsulating other themes of similar local interest, such as:

•    Marine and coastal fauna and flora;
•    Beaches, dunes and cliffs;
•    River areas and estuaries;
•    Intertidal zone and tide pools;
•    Associated fisheries and traditions;
•    Prehistoric Biodiversity (Paleontology).



The “Ambassadors for Biodiversity” is a ocean and coastal literacy project funded by a joint venture involving the municipalities of Torres Vedras and Lourinhã that applied to the Operational Program for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources (PO SEUR). This project is developed by a team of the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa – FCT NOVA (Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering).

Ambassadors for Biodiversity – Oceanic and Coastal Literacy

Target audiance and area of activity

The areas of activity correspond to the territory of the Municipalities of Torres Vedras and Lourinhã. It is project is aimed to youngsters from Educational Communities of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education to Secondary Education, from the two municipalities. It also involves the pre-school education, after-school recreation centres, associations, NGOs, among others and the senior community.

Developed actions

  • Increased environmental awareness

  • Active participation of the local community

  • Training of participatory and environmentally responsible citizens

  • Training of change agents

  • Appropriation of the project by the local community

The Team

FCT NOVA / MARE NOVA (Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences)​​

Faculty Researchers involved: Lia Vasconcelos (coordinator of WP3), Graça Martinho, José Carlos Ferreira, Ana Silveira, Joaquim Pina​Grant Researchers: Flávia Silva, Filipa Ferreira; Ana Pires, Ana Gomes, Mário Ramos, Pedro Santos

Visit us at:

Official Website:

Facebook page:

Developed actions

1. Itenerant exhibition – exhibition about natural and cultural heritage of the coastal and marine ecosystems of the region. The exhibition offers the opportunity to carry on parallel support activities, such as games and contests.

2. Educative Project – Involves the development of educative content about local natural values, namely the “Rede Natura 2000”, for integration in curricular programs. In this way, informs people on biodiversity in the marine and coastal environments, its associated traditions and customs, and make students aware of more sustainable behaviours towards marine and coastal environments, contributing to participative and responsible citizens regarding nature’s conservation;

3. Awareness and action campaigns – Develops critical reflection activities for greater environmental awareness regarding biodiversity and nature conservation. Develops and stimulates field activities, such as peddy papers, field lessons / live laboratories, games and marine litter pickings.



Environment and Sustainability Division
Phone: 261 320 77


Land-Use Planning, Urbanism and Environment Division


Phone: 261 410 100



FCT- New University of Lisbon
Phone: 212 948 397  Ext: 10174


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